
We see our voting rights as valuable assets in serving our stakeholders’ best interests.

Voting for long-term value 

We believe in business practices that drive long-term value creation for our clients, shareholders, and other stakeholders. As such, we exercise our voting rights to promote business models necessary to sustaining value over the long term. 

When considering a vote, we pay attention to financially material sustainability factors and financial factors relevant to long-term economic performance. 

We’re responsible for exercising voting rights in respect of managed portfolios in a considered manner, within the context of a positive relationship with a company’s management. We treat these rights and responsibilities as valuable assets in serving our stakeholders’ best interests. 

Our approach to stewardship is considered, constructive, and pragmatic, with the extent of any intervention being determined on a case-by-case basis, putting the long-term interests of relevant stakeholders first​. 

Voting records

View our voting records by date, sector, company and geographical breakdown. Powered by ISS.

View details of our voting

Voting reports

These reports show a summary of voting by geographical region and the votes cast against management (along with the reasons why), during the periods shown.

Case studies

McDonald’s – voting on antibiotic use within the supply chain

In this case study, we voted on an important social issue – antibiotic use within the McDonald’s supply chain.

Voting on an assessment of Amazon workers' freedom of association and collective bargaining rights

Here, we voted on an assessment of Amazon workers' freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.

Alphabet – voting on executive compensation packages

In this case study, we voted against ratifying Alphabet’s executive officers’ compensation package.