Where providing stability and consistency is at the heart of what we do

 We aim to offer institutional investors a high degree of capital security, liquidity and yield via our range of cash management and short duration solutions.

These allow institutional investors to tailor their portfolio based on liquidity needs, risk appetite and investment time horizons.

Our fund managers draw upon longstanding expertise in sterling bond and money markets, supported by our international corporate credit research team, all benefitting from the strength of our parent group, Great-West Lifeco.

The value of investments may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested.

Our key Institutional products

Designed to provide institutional investors with a high degree of capital security with daily liquidity. 


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Aims to provide stability of capital and an income through investment in sterling-denominated short-term fixed income and variable rate bonds including money market instruments


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Other investment capabilities

Fixed Income

Steady returns and income over the long term

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Investing in the shares of global companies

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Diversify through UK commercial property assets

Contact us

Philip Clifford

Sales Director - Investments

07551 536 312
